Wednesday 10 November 2010

Australia v England.

  As the real game is on Saturday, my trusty opponent and myself decided to stage a subbuteo version of the game to see how it would pan out!
 Teams lined up for the national anthems!
                            Australia won the toss, so they kicked off, and early pressure resulted in a lineout close to the England goal line.
                                       England were able to defend well despite a very dangerous push forward, but the ball ended up going over the dead ball line. Play then continued with no side gaining the upper hand, until a Mark called by England, the kick from this ending up in touch just off the Australian line.
                     England quickly gathered the ball, and a neat run with the ball produced a try right under the posts.

                                     The conversion was good and with only seconds to go of the first half England ended up leading 7 points to nil.
                   Unfortunately the camera batteries ran out so was unable to film the second half.The second half was pretty uneventful for most of the time, with both sides attacking and defending equally well, but with 10 minutes remaining, England tried a drop goal that was successful. Australia came back attacking with vigour, and  also tried a drop goal attempt, but the ball failed to achieve enough height. Australia continued to pile on the pressure, and with less than a minute to go, scored a try in the right hand corner. The conversion was going to be a bit tricky from such an acute angle, but despite this was a good kick the went right through the middle of the posts, this was then the end of the match, final result: England 10 Australia 7.


  1. Great game!

    Sounds even better than the real one.

    Will you play The Ashes as well?

    For I can't get any pictures here in Italy, I'll be delighted with some Subbuteo Ashes instead.

  2. I would like to try a subbuteo ashes, but finding the time and opponents is a little hard. In fact hitting the ball in the first place is pretty difficult!!
