Wednesday 3 November 2010

Ireland match.

Having found someone as daft as me to play a game, I thought it only right that Ireland should have a proper match against an opponent. Decided on 30 minutes each way with 5 minutes half time for a beer, and me playing for the Barbarians!!
 Ireland won the toss, so they kicked off, a bad defensive move by me gave Ireland a penalty on the half way line, Mike decided to go for goal, but despite good hieght and length, the ball just went wide of the left hand post. The game then progressed to a very tight to and fro match with neither side being able to take advantage of the play, resulting in a half time score nil nil. The second half started well for the Barbarians with a good tactical kick into the opponents in goal area, but the try attempt was missed resulting in a 20 metre drop out. The game again tightened up until 10 minutes to go, an off ball tackle gave the Barbarians a penalty from the 10 metre line, this was successful. The restart produced a great kick forward and follow up by Ireland, and  some bad defending by me resulted in a great try for Ireland in the right hand corner. Unfortunately the conversion attempt went wide, and that was time up, so Ireland won 5 points to 3.
  It was a damned good gfame, and it is great to be able to play against a proper opponent, even if he does play mainly table football!!!

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